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How to get best sim internet connectivity 2G 3G 4G | सर्वोत्तम सिम इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी कैसे प्राप्त करें 2जी 3जी 4जी

Step 1

First of all we have to take Some SIM with 4G or a 4G Plus Mobile 4G+ is Recommended because 4G+ may have better speed than normal 4G mobile so this is another topic what is 4G or 4G+. You can click on this link to know about 4G or 4G+ or you can learn about bands before getting best speed or best internet at home now second step.

Step 2

To check internet connection in your rooms and in your top floor means rooftop then you have to install network Cell Info Lite app in your mobile or you can also use another apps which are listed below

Net Monster    -    LTE Discovery    -    Network Cell Info Lite

Open Signal    -    Network Signal Pro    

In these app you have to see the signal in dBm this is the measurement of the signal coming from the tower to your mobile, what your mobile is getting the signal that means how far away you are from the tower and if you are more far away or you are not getting good signal strength that is the main concept of 4G connection so now you have to find a best signal strength area or point where you get the lowest dBm in your router or rooms or wherever nearby you find so in that area you can put your mobile and you can sit there and if you can able to get the best internet there you can check even by making a call because while you make a call then your mobile band will be changed a concept that telecom provider had labeled some bands for good upload speed like you can call in HD quality so that band is separate for calling and if normal internet browsing then band is separate but are not in every telecom provider because this is called the spectrum which we listened in news that telecom are going to buy these frequency from Tria or Spectrum etc. So there are another way to find the tower in your area or direction to tower you can visit tarangsanchar Govt. Website  in that website you have to put your area details or your mobile number email address etc. and you will get that nearby towers in this website and you can also click on the tower and if you ask for additional information then you will be notified in your mail that that tower belongs to which telecom provider and also telecom provider details that which bands are they giving from that tower and if you want best signal or best speed then you have to visit near the tower because you have to know what is the circumstances are blocking the signal or speed to your home from the tower and what are the best speed what is the full speed of the tower and what is the lowest speed at whatever you are going away from the tower so by this method you will be self 4G installer at your home so we are guiding you to follow this best practice method we have already followed and we have helping people to do this and they are also getting full speed from the tower to home so this is the purely granted method now you have to found you have to find best hardware for your internet connection so you have to know about 4G bands because you are able to get you can change your bands with your hardware so if you are looking for mobile which is able to change bands manually so these are the list below and if you want to lock bands in your hardware like 40 or 40 plus routers there are many type of category for routers like some routers are made out or model where waterproof and they have to put outside and they having antenna port with them they are Apple able to get a good thing because these are the main concept that if router and antenna are in one box or we are going to install nearby or we have lesser wire with wire with the router 20 now so that is the terminology to get good and good speed so we should ask you to check your if you are looking for good ping or look just want good speed or intern doctor then if you're looking for a good thing then you have to get those router which are outer model because you have to put them router outside and by that you will get the best thing so if your look only looking for good speed then you can by any of these routers we have cater eyes in the type of routers which are available in the market first is worked out calling router calling routers are the having length pot and are they 11 port are 11 port means they can use a landline phone with them we put a sim in the router and we can make calls from the land phone we can also able to receive calls in that linear router so we are also able to get a hotspot from the router and we are also able to get the land cable port from the router and we can make a networking to get all the devices have internet facility from that same weekend we can make any type of recharge in that forget internet or calling whatever same as a mobile connection recharge we are recharged also our topic which are low pupils are asking what type of recharge we can do that is another type of concept and for that good recharge is for the router mode sector you can find the list below or you can go to our another page to find that vlog blog so now we are talking about the water router now the second type of router is 40 plus router 4G plus 40 plus means carry aggregation and in 40 plus technology we are able to buy a category 6 outer category 6 means we can lock two type two bands in one time we can use 240 bands in one time and we can use both bands speed upload together at once that means career aggregation and there are many type of more career aggression router like three bands at a same time for band at a same time that means category 12 category 16 category 10 degree 20 like 3CA 4 CA 5CA even 6 CA is also in technology but not all are available in the market there as a super type of router like category 16 net gear mr 1100 model that is around about 24,000 something available in Amazon so that router also having antenna portal so but that type of router is adjusted dongle type like a portable hotspot router so we are talking about 40 plus router these are the list which are outer 40 plus outer and also tapping MR6 and router is the best router in normal router because that router have internet ports like four ethernet ports one when internet port and having 1200 mph AC Wi-Fi dual band router and also have category 640 band and also having option offer ed band lock in built so now we are able to get new version like version 2 is available in market in this time we we are writing this block and third type of router is 40 routers that are made like Chinese brand maybe we are living neighborhood by China so all our hardware are mostly manifested by the China that is not the issue but we have to get the best results so we can buy these listed router only and we are making this list all our tested working more over 1 year or more then we are making this blog as we are not new we are 23rd experience with this type of routers now we are making this blog and these are the list below of normal 4G router as per your weather you can buy but before by you have to find this technology this apology or we are have a list that which signal area you can buy which type of routers all listed are having 1 2 3 and top most models are written in 1 2 3 and then follow on so these are the hardware then we have we are also having a list of signers 10th if you are getting lesser signal strength what are signals 10 to your getting on rooftop and if you are getting lesser signal strength in your rooms then you have to put your router outside or you have to put near by windows or you have to buy external antennas or very good for the 40 routers so we have a list where we can use external antenna we have a list move those which how many times are actually enough or 40 routers and as far enough you can see we are using multiple bands so we have to get the best antenna for all type of bands we are able to get so helped mostly use in all type of bands but we have typically assigned this list that we you have to follow if you are getting these type of signal so you have to buy this type of anti in that signals so also where you can find where the signal is water and there are you find pass outer in this list now the point is where to put the router and where to put the antonym firstly we have told you to find the bad signal by using mobile app now in that point or that type of signal watching or signal looking yours or single discovery you can use router only because router is also able to get similar signal strength you can if you are able to get your router in your hand you can try to get you can replace wherever you want to get the good signal from the same and be sure that you are able to get that router by fire also because forget to go best result of Wi-Fi you have we have another blog you have to visit that link for get good speed of Wi-Fi we are to put the router but now this blog is for 4G internet battery speed so you have to find the best signal strength these are the types of where you can find the signal strength or other type of routers and you have to go to that advance tab to find a single strength of that router or you can also find the band what are now getting that router now if your using external internet you can also visit this page and you can able to your if you are setting up the antenna that then you have to use antenna in every direction to find best signal and you have to use the router every type of area to get the best signal and breastfeed basic concept is to get as low as as you can get best signal or you can manage you can manage to put between you can get a Wi-Fi or singer stand also so that is the main concept you have many videos in YouTube and we are more trying to send some pics to allocate the tower of the 4G power now direction giving that direction to antenna morely you if you are going near to the tower you can find towers antenna you can use compass in your mobile to find that tower anti going to which direction then you can also go to your home then also match that antenna to your home antenna with that degree Celsius because if you are matching that height length rate everything then you can get past internet connectivity lesser ping good speed and good singer stance that is a main concept of putting antenna and alignment of antenna now you can also use if you're using two memo antenna in so then there are the another type of videos or blog how to use numerator how to learn made them this blog we are so you to put the ant 90 degree at 45 degree you just try in all type of direction just remember to put 45 degree or 90 degree or you can try your experience and commit below if you are getting good singer in different type of alignments please share with us so by that if you are getting good signal then we can show we can update this blog or by this photos or method you have to put your antenna same as this these pictures are showing and you have to get the best wire to make lesser signal loss this is the list where we have listed how much signal loss in how much far away how much long while you are getting and we suggest you to get the higher quality while like alamar 400 standard rise low laws 50 hm wire and we are also recommend you to get good copper or brass plated gold connectors in that wire by that so you get a good speed lesser ping or everything better in that wire if you know if we not serious about that we get signal hours we get lessers speed so that's why we are telling about this so we recommend camera and antibiotics are best so we can hit you can get links below to buy that we have listed their we are using far away bars and the list is swing how minimum singers are getting lost how long we are getting the wire now the connected type we know as far all type of action is having one fit wire but in future you can arrange or buy from this link by directly antenna to router wire no type of connectors between them that means you are not getting any type of loss but make sure why is very high quality so now the time is to talk about writers connectors in antenna is and female and female and female this character is very big so we have to get an mail to put in then that we also make sure if you are using metals to put over antenna like we are using metal pole iron or aluminum or steel make sure our hardware not connected to the metal use isolation between them because if thunderstorm lightning happen that will be the big loss of our router or home appliances so we recommend to use plastic between them or elastic or use a wooden piece in every any type of polar etc or if you are able to get wooden pole that is so good now the connector isolation or mean ceiling you can use this type of materials or tapes to cover the connectors make sure fully waterproof that because if water comes in that then that may cause loss of signal quality everything and the water and the wire is also like a pipe the water comes in that wire then motorways go water will go near the router and make your router burn or damage make sure to use tape in every type of whole saw or something happen if in future in your wives or you can also round the wire before comes to the router or you can put router to the in the height that wire comes from the down to the router then water will flow out not comes in the router that is the method to put router upward before and now the router type of neuters we are talking about these are the list mostly router comes with 40 routers comes with SMS female connector but in some routers RPS may female is also easier so make sure what is your router mostly these are the list and these are router having that ports in some dongles we have a list which type of airport there are these tomas are also able to get the external engineer by some subletter extension also now SMS the mostly used in the routers we have to get the best quality of 50 HM characters make sure you are buying from good dealers with a sport support and these are the list where you can find good buy links now make sure you are getting or you able to measure your wire length because if you're putting action to the rooftop or your putting outer router then you have to measure the distance from the router to rear home make sure you put the router as long as you can what is government cities we can put only five feet hide from our rooftop as a pole but in villages or like wherever you are living where are you getting good speed you can put long and don't force yourself and make sure that Paul is measured by environ ment so these are the length as per signal status going down as long as we are using the wire now if you concept is also in that because if you are using more longer than power to the router will not come easily and if you're using more long wire to your router to your antenna that signal may be lesser or slose now put your router to your best area in your home where you are getting all around Wi-Fi and anti setup now is the time to change the bands we have some videos all type of router videos all router videos are separate where we have unboxed and showing all type where what router is able to look and how to unlock band in which type of router all videos are separate by this list you can find some methods which routers are able to lock bands because brand locations are mainly concept to maintain our upload download speed because all parents are not having similar type of internet speed because of telecom wants some bands to separate from some users like they have concept like number of users invent like 100 user and 40 band and 100 reason something never happened or like 2000 or 10 other pets these are the concept so we are helping you to get knowledge of these four events or if future we are also saved in five years also and some router will future will be like 4G 3G 5G together they can lock band and these are 3G 42G every technology mainly singular similar .

2. नाउ the time is to use the internet we have experienced or we get to know that in night time the telecom operator sceneries and speeds are higher in daytime they have a lesser speed we think I think that in the dark the signal is work very good in right the signal is working lesser I think because I always that good signal in night and speed but not in in de always always not in day but in night always so mostly we have a list Innova Himachal Pradesh we have tested and more over we have getting reviews that which bands are getting which type of uploading downloading speed sector 4 example if you are if you are if you want to get good upload speed then you have to use band 3 even in all type of telecom cycle Vodafone Idea jiyo Airtel all hair having three me and in ITIL its band it aur main bhi in jio band 5 if you are want downloading a product management similar type of downloading and uploading then we have to lock band 3444 54840 whatever available in your sim operator to get different type of load load we have to manage we have to manage self type of teeth bands extra because no one will tell you be that way and she is are best in your area because you have to text by your own you have to do everything by your own because you are using your internet and you have to manager because if you of having system administrator or expert in your home then there may be that person will do everything for you for everything for your family or all so some are having great capability is like Microtek they can main they can use two Sims that we can able to manage whenever we need to switch between Sims we can even with mobile so that is another blog comparison of one sim or two sim router but in this we already help you about finding good night for single go to the nearest hour and which are apps you have to find bat signal in your area make sure you put your router at open place because I gotta are need for speed signal and get signal if you put two router near the wall was something then they may work only in the good in open tension area and if you want


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